Project description
Redevelopment of part of Neath Town Centre for a Mixed Use Development comprising:
Full Planning Application for demolition of Magistrates Court Building and adjacent demountable building; one 2,120sqm A1 retail unit and shop mobility unit with 604 spaces, four deck multi-storey car park; associated public realm improvements and temporary surface areas.
Outline Planning Application for: demolition of existing multi-storey car park (incorporating existing Wilkinson and Tesco Metro store) and Greyhound Public House; four blocks of development comprising:
i) Block A – one 4,838sqm gross A1 retail unit; up to five smaller A1 retail units (totalling 3,824sqm); rear service yard;
ii) Block B – Up to three A1 retail units and one A1/A3 unit (totalling 437sqm); up to 16 residential units above; reconfigured service yard;
iii) Block C – Up to five A1/A3 units (totalling 441sqm); up to 15 residential units above;
iv) Block D – Up to two A1/A2 units and one A1/A3 retail unit (totalling 762sqm); one B1/D1/A2 unit above (2,104sqm); service yard and up to nine on-street parking spaces to Water Street.
And associated public realm improvements.
Our input
Asbri Planning Limited sought to address issues relating to the existing viability of the town centre and trade diversion impacts associated with the introduction of the new retail units as well as any visual impact associated with the physical redevelopment of the site. Furthermore the amenity issues of existing residents needed to be considered as part of the proposal.