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Land at the former Bodlondeb Care Home, Penparcau, Abersytwyth, SY23 1SJ

Land at the former Bodlondeb Care Home, Penparcau, Abersytwyth, SY23 1SJ


Asbri Planning Ltd. has been commissioned by Wales and West Housing to undertake pre-application consultation in respect of the proposed full planning application for the proposed demolition of the existing residential properties and redevelopment for residential development and associated works on land at the former Bodlondeb Care Home, Penparcau, Abersytwyth, SY23 1SJ.

Prior to formal submission to the Local Planning Authority and in accordance with the requirements set out in Part 1A of the Town & Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (Wales) Order 2012 as amended by The Planning Applications (Temporary Modifications and Disapplication) (Wales) (Coronavirus) Order 2020, the proposal will be subject to pre-application consultation.

All relevant drawings, reports and supplementary supporting documents are made available for inspection and review online below.

Anyone who wishes to make representations about this proposed development must do so by the 20th September 2024. We would encourage you to e-mail these to mail@asbriplanning.co.uk, alternatively please download the attached form, and send them to;

Asbri Planning Ltd, Unit 9 Oak Tree Court, Mulberry Drive, Cardiff Gate Business Park, Cardiff, CF23 8RS.


Mae Asbri Planning Ltd wedi ei gomisiynu gan Tai Wales and West i drefnu ymgynghoriad cyn gwneud cais cynllunio llawn ar gyfer dymchwel y tai presennol ac ail-ddatblygu’r safle ar gyfer datblygiad tai a’r gwaith cysylltiedig ar safle cyn cyn Cartref Gofal Bodlondeb, Penparcau, Aberystwyth, SY23 1SJ.

Cyn cyflwyno’r cais yn ffurfiol i’r Awdurdod Cynllunio Lleol ac yn unol a gofynion Rhan 1A o Orchymyn Cynllunio Gwlad a Thref (Gweithdrefn Rheoli Datblygu) (Cymru) 2012, fel y’u haddaswyd gan Gorchymyn Ceisiadau Cynllunio (Datgymhwyso ac Addasiadau Dros Dro) (Cymru) (Coronafeirws) 2020 (“y Gorchymyn Diwygio”), bydd y cais yn destun ymgynghoriad.

Mae’r cynlluniau, adroddiadau a dogfennau ategol ar gael i’w harchwilio a’u hadolygu ar-lein, isod.

Dylai unrhyw un sydd yn dymuno gwneud sylwadau ynglŷn a’r datblygiad arfaethedig wneud erbyn 20ain o Fedi 2024.  Rydym yn eich annog i e-bostio eich sylwadau at mail@asbriplanning.co.uk, neu lawrlwytho’r ffurflen atodol a’u gyrru at:

Asbri Planning Ltd, Uned 9 Oak Tree Court, Mulberry Drive, Cardiff Gate Business Park, Caerdydd, CF23 8RS.

Supporting Documents



3D Views & Map Key

Development Site Services & Constraints Plan

Existing Floor and Elevation Plans

Landscape Biodiversity Enhancement Plan

Landscape Plan

Proposed Domestic Lighting Plan

Proposed External House Type Finishes Site Plan

Proposed External House Type Finishes

Proposed Floor and Elevation Plan 2P1B Terraced Flats

Proposed Floor and Elevation Plan 4P2B Semi-Detached House

Proposed Floor and Elevation Plan 4P2B Terrace House

Proposed Floor and Elevation Plan 5P3B Semi-Detached House

Proposed Floor and Elevation Plan 9P6B Detached House

Proposed Roof Block Plan

Proposed Site Plan

Proposed Site Sections and Street Elevations

Topographic Survey and Site Location Plan


Drainage Strategy Plan

Drainage Strategy Statement

Engineering Site Plan Highway Geometry

Engineering Site Plan Levels

Engineering Site Plan

Topographical Survey


Application Forms

Design and Access Statement

Planning Statement

Transport Statement

Arboricultural Report

Bat Survey Report

Demolition Phase Plan

Geotechnical Report

Green Infrastructure Statement

Preliminary Ecological Appraisal


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