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Neath Port Talbot Dialysis Unit

Neath Port Talbot Dialysis Unit


Asbri Planning Ltd. has been commissioned by Fresenius Medical Care Renal Services Ltd to undertake pre-application consultation in respect of a full planning application for the proposed redevelopment of Stationery House, including the part demolition of existing factory building and rebuilding work, change of use from vacant factory (Use Class B1 & B8) to form a Satellite Dialysis Unit (Use Class D1), including alterations to the existing building, with associated car parking, landscaping, refuse storage and engineering works at Stationery House, Acacia Avenue, Sandfields, Port Talbot, SA12 7DN.

Prior to formal submission to the Local Planning Authority and in accordance with the requirements set out in Part 1A of the Town & Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (Wales) Order 2012 (as amended), the proposal will be subject to pre-application consultation.

All relevant drawings, reports and supplementary supporting documents are made available for inspection and review online below. Computer facilities are available at Sandfields Library, Morrison Road, Sandfields, Port Talbot, SA12 6TG. The identified library is open as follows;

  • Monday 09:30-12:30 and 14:00-17:00
  • Tuesday-Friday 09:30-12:30 and 14:00-17:30
  • Saturday 09:30-12:30
  • Sunday – Closed

Anyone who wishes to make representations about this proposed development must do so by the 9th September 2024. We would encourage you to e-mail these to mail@asbriplanning.co.uk, alternatively please download the attached form, and send them to;

Asbri Planning Ltd, Suite D, 1st Floor, 220 High Street, Swansea, SA1 1NW


Mae Asbri Planning Ltd wedi ei gomisiynu gan Fresenius Medical Care Renal Services Ltd i drefnu ymgynghoriad cyn gwneud cais cynllunio ar gyfer cais cynllunio llawn am Datblygiad arfaethedig i ailddatblygu Stationery House trwy ddymchwel rhan o’r ffatri a chynnal gwaith ail-adeiladu, newid defnydd y ffatri (o Ddosbarth Defnydd B1 & B8) i adeiladu canolfan dialysis newydd (Dosbarth Defnydd D1) yn cynnwys newidiadau i’r adeilad presennol, ffurfiant maes parcio cysylltiedig, gwaith tirlunio, storfa gwastraff, a gwaith peirianyddol ar safle Stationery House, Acacia Avenue, Sandfields, Port Talbot, SA12 7DN.

Cyn cyflwyno’r cais yn ffurfiol i’r Awdurdod Cynllunio Lleol ac yn unol a gofynion Rhan 1A o Orchymyn Cynllunio Gwlad a Thref (Gweithdrefn Rheoli Datblygu) (Cymru) 2012 (wedi diwygio), bydd y cais yn destun ymgynghoriad.

Mae’r cynlluniau, adroddiadau a dogfennau ategol ar gael i’w harchwilio a’u hadolygu ar-lein, isod. Mae modd defnyddio cyfleusterau cyfrifiadurol yn Llyfrgell Sandfields, Heol Morrison, Sandfields, Port Talbot, SA12 6TG. Mae’r llyfrgell ar agor fel a ganlyn:

  • Dydd Llun 09:30-12:30 a 14:00-17:00
  • Dydd Mawrth-Dydd Gwener 09:30-12:30 a 14:00-17:30
  • Dydd Sadwrn 09:30-12:30
  • Dydd Sul – Ar gau

Dylai unrhyw un sydd yn dymuno gwneud sylwadau ynglŷn a’r datblygiad arfaethedig wneud erbyn y 9fed o Fedi 2024. Rydym yn eich annog i e-bostio eich sylwadau at mail@asbriplanning.co.uk, neu lawrlwytho’r ffurflen atodol a’u gyrru at:

Asbri Planning Ltd, Swit D, Llawr 1af, 220 Y Stryd Fawr, Abertawe, SA1 1NW.

Supporting Documents


Site Location & Block Plan

Site Layout Plan 'as existing'

Site Layout Plan 'as proposed'

Building Layout 'as existing'

Building Roof Plan 'as existing'

Building Elevations 'as existing'

Building Layout 'as proposed'

Building Roof Plan 'as proposed'

Building Elevations 'as proposed'

Building Section 'as existing' & 'as proposed'

Bin Store and AC Enclosure Details

Cycle Store Details

Entrance Gate Details

Site Sections 'as proposed'

General Arrangement Plan 'as proposed'

Indicative Demolition Areas Plan

Port Talbot Dialysis Unit Visualisations


Structural Appraisal


Design and Access Statement V1

Planning Statement

Noise Impact Assessment

Soft Landscape Proposal

Green Infrastructure Statement

Drainage Strategy

Energy Statement - New Dialysis Unit - Port Talbot

Phase 1 SI Report

Radon Report

Ecological Appraisal

Environmental Plan

Construction Methodology

Transport Statement

Arboricultural Report

Application Form

Letter of support 1

Letters of support 2

Letter of support 3

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