Asbri Planning is often asked by its clients to appraise the planning merits of sites ahead of prospective purchase. This is a key part of the development process as it gives developers a steer on the likelihood of securing a planning consent.
Our appraisal process will consider a range of issues that will guide clients either on the likelihood of planning permission being granted on a site, or the chances of it being included for development in an emerging development plan.
Amongst the issues considered, we review the development plan status of sites; consider potential design implications; advise on highways and parking matters; comment on flood risk; and consider ecological and arboricultural constraints. We are also adept at advising on any constraints or opportunities from an architectural perspective, such as matters of scale, privacy and layout. In instances where a positive appraisal is advocated we are able to outline the S106 contributions likely to be requested by the Local Authority Planners and set out the supporting documentation that will be required to promote any planning application.